Hi, I noticed http://redump.org/disc/3694/ name was changed from Crash Bandicoot Racing (Japan) to Crash Bandicoot Racing (USA, Asia).
Is this correct? My guess is it should have been changed to Crash Bandicoot Racing (Japan, Asia) instead.
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Redump Forum → Guests & account requests → Sony PlayStation
Pages 1
Hi, I noticed http://redump.org/disc/3694/ name was changed from Crash Bandicoot Racing (Japan) to Crash Bandicoot Racing (USA, Asia).
Is this correct? My guess is it should have been changed to Crash Bandicoot Racing (Japan, Asia) instead.
I believe you are correct but I will check with the member who modified to confirm and we'll get it addressed. Thanks!
Fixed, thank you.
Pages 1
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