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Disc Preservation Project

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Topic review (newest first)


Heya, thanks for posting.

We only add ringcode info for discs that have been dumped and confirmed to match. While it's extremely likely that your disc matches the one in redump, unfortunately your ringcode can't be added unless it was dumped to our standards. This is to ensure that all the data in redump is accurate and trustworthy.
If you do ever get the ability to dump the disc (easiest method is with a homebrew Wii) then let us know and it can be added.


I don't have the ability to dump, but I noticed the mastering code on my GameCube Sonic Mega Collection disc is not listed:

IFPI LL08   C03J1601   DOL-GSOE-0-00 USA   S0

Images of front and back here:

Happy to re-post to wherever is appropriate if I am granted an account.

- Mike

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