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Hello to the ReDump Team,
Short story :
I'm in the process of rebuilding/updating my PC game backup library and I would like to bring my little piece to the project.
(Made my backup library 15 years ago, just copying CD/DVD content to raw iso files at the time... Yes, I feel ashamed)
Long story :
I'm a 40 years old french man who begins to worry about game preservation. (Better later than ever)
I own a bunch of old PC games (90's-2000's) that I do not want to be lost, so here I am.
I've been dumping discs for some days now (Following ReDump dumping guidelines and using ReDump DB to check my dumps) and I've noticed that a great part of that games are not in ReDump DB.
Dumping Optical Drive : ASUS BW-16D1HT (PX-716A ordered & coming soon !)
See you !