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Topic review (newest first)
Hello, there are a handful of PS3 disc entries that do not have disc keys. If a page does not have a disc key, the dumper was not able to dump the key (i.e. it was dumped with a PC bluray drive only). There are also cases where a disc dumps fine but the key had problems being extracted. So you (or someone else) would have to buy the game and verify the dump with the key in order for it to be added to redump.
I don't mean to accuse you specifically of it, but we would also appreciate it if people do not try to contact dumpers for keys or ISOs, thanks.
Hi there! I'm trying to message a dumper named duyc37 from this website, because I want to find the decryption key for Buzz! The Ultimate Music Quiz (Greece) on PS3, and he's the only one i found that has made a dump of the game, but he has not given the decryption key, only MD5, SHA1 etc. I don't know what else to do. If you don't accept my account request, could you please somehow put the decryption key at it's page? Thank you!