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Topic review (newest first)


Heya there! Just to check in - I've sent you an e-mail but also if you want to go ahead and get a redump account going, our site is having trouble processing registrations from some e-mail providers (we know about gmail and outlook).  If you can please try again with a different email provider, we can work with that.  If you need a free and easy one, we know that protonmail works:

I apologize for any convenience.  Please let me know if you have any questions!



sadikyo wrote:

Hello and thank you for sharing! 

I'm definitely interested in helping to preserve this - we can assist in a number of ways.  I can give you some assistance in getting it dumped, or if you were comfortable in lending in to someone trusted, I'd be happy to borrow and return.  I'll do what I can to help here. 

If you are familiar with Discord, it may be easier to coordinate there - if you want to join we can discuss further:

If not, I'll send you an e-mail and we can discuss.  Thanks for sharing and I'll be in touch!

Thanks for the reply! I am from China so I think I will need to find myself some help some day. I can confirm the disc is in near brand new condition and defintiely executable. I also have some rather uncommon Asian PS2/PSP/PS3 and PS1 games that I suppose redump has not even categorized like Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone and Burnout Dominator. I will see at least if I can update some photos of them.


Hello and thank you for sharing! 

I'm definitely interested in helping to preserve this - we can assist in a number of ways.  I can give you some assistance in getting it dumped, or if you were comfortable in lending in to someone trusted, I'd be happy to borrow and return.  I'll do what I can to help here. 

If you are familiar with Discord, it may be easier to coordinate there - if you want to join we can discuss further:

If not, I'll send you an e-mail and we can discuss.  Thanks for sharing and I'll be in touch!



I want to have a correction of PS2 Asian games SLAJ-25071 Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects, the game is not cancelled and it has a official release, I have a copy and here is the photo. I don't have to tools to dump it, but leave me more information if you needed help, thanks.

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