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Topic review (newest first)
Hello there and thank you for the interest.
I can help get your account setup, but unfortunately, our system is having trouble confirming accounts with e-mail addresses from gmail and also outlook/hotmail. Can you please try with a different e-mail address? If you need an easy and free option, we know that it works with protonmail:
Good afternoon,
So I am requesting the creation of an account because I want to contribute to the website.
The reason for me to want to contribute to the website is because recently my console(Playstation 2) stopped reading discs and I have physical copies of games. Since I didn't want to just go and get a copy online I decided to create ISO's from that original copies for personal use only, because, who knows what was modified or if there is anything different in the ISO's that can be found on the web.
Recently, while searching for a solution on how to copy a CD-ROM to an ISO, I found this website and thought for my self: "Ok, why not share? At least I will be able to preserve this copy and everyone will be able to use it too if needed!"
The only reason I'm using this method is for preservation purposes! Any games that I will publish(if I my account creation request is approved) are either physical copies that I have in collection or games that I had but I sold them.