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Disc Preservation Project

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Topic review (newest first)


Hotmail box will likely block redump mails, FYI. I can set some password for you manually, but I don't know how to pass it to you safely.

As for the "risks", you could probably send the logs/metadata directly to one of the mods/admins, if you want.


Welcome, obtain your password here.

(check the spam folder in case there will be no message in your inbox)

Please make sure you read and understand the dumping process and the way you have to submit the dumping logs before posting your dump info.

Feel free to ask question on the forum, or via Discord about how to get started preserving games with Redump:

Hotmail and GMail may block mails from our site.


iRobot, please give him access, is going to add PS2 dumps from Japan. He already gave proof, open the doors


Dear Admin

I have some very rare discs I want to submit. I noticed that you don't have HTTPS, like the majority of the web does, so I am wary of using this website at all. In fact, my browser gave me a warning that the website was insecure. As an average computer user, I was quite alarmed by this.

I almost didn't realise there was a way to submit discs. There was nothing on the homepage, and when I clicked register on the forum, it said registrations were closed. I almost gave up, until I saw the (contradictory) text that you can "request an account". The wording "request" almost makes its seem like you don't want contributors. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to put in the "message" box, but I decided I should use it to give you some feedback on the registration process.

I am from a country where there are restrictions on internet usage, so I am taking a risk by not using a VPN. I also am not willing to create a new email just because hotmail does not work. I see from the other threads that registration takes a long time, further reducing my interest.

You're lucky I'm particularly persistent, because the majority of users would have surely given up by this point.

Yours confusedly, RareDiscOwner

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