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Topic review (newest first)


This error can't be fixed by plextor drive. Needs to dump it by non-plextor drive and replace it

When I try to extract SafeDisc with PX-716UF, I get the above error.
Is there a PLEXTOR drive that can be extracted correctly without displaying such an error?

The PX-716 is not good at reading subchannels, and a large number of errors (regardless of SafeDisc) are displayed in subError.txt.
Is this a hindrance when registering in the DB?

LBA[007358, 0x01cbe]: Track[01]: SubV[78]:[0x01] -> [0x00]

I don't know what kind of CD to use subchannel options such as / s and / nr,
In that case, should I leave it to DICUI?

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