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Feel free to ask question on the forum, or via Discord about how to get started preserving games with Redump:


Dear redump staff,

I really appreciate the work that you have done maintaining this incredible database of redump information.

I'd like to ask whether there is a way in which I could contribute to the project and, thus, give something back to the community. Which are the areas to which one could possibly contribute?

I only have a relatively small collection of video and computer games. Thus, most likely, I only have things that are already part of your database.

However, I got some basic programming and scripting skills. Mostly in Java, C++ and bash. A while ago, I developed some command line scripts to automate the ripping of audio CDs to the hard drive and obtaining proper tags for them from under Linux. Since that point in time, I've been a contributor to the musicbrainz database whenever I saw that I have records (particularly such from local artists) that are not yet listed at musicbrainz.

I live in Saarbrücken, Germany, and work as a programmer in a small start-up.

My further interests include playing the guitar and singing in a local punk rock band, collecting (mostly retro) video game consoles and games, and hanging around with my friends in a local hookah bar (which is currently not possible due to the lock-down in our region).

Beside these activities, I am more or less actively trying to finish my research thesis at the local university in my spare-time. My research has been focused on static program analysis and formal methods for the temporal verification of safety-critical real-time embedded systems.

Best regards,

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