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Topic review (newest first)


Hey guys, I don't mind if you don't give me an account, that's fine, just wanted to give a correction to the the SLES-51671 release of Alter Echo on the PS2.

The language is listed as English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, however if you look at the files on the disc, it only contains French and German. The cover also only states German.

There was another release SLES-51670 which was an English release, however I cannot confirm what languages that contains.

Here is a list of the videos on the SLES-51671 disc:

as you can see from the image, ones such as Intro, Endgame, Synch and TD_TUTR (tutorial) are postfixed with the language and as you can see there are only ones for D (Deutsche/German) and F (française/French).

Glad to do my little bit for you guys smile

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