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I have been using a dat file from on RomVault to verify Sega Saturn games before burning them to physical media, and have successfully burned many games this way. However, I was unable to successfully burn Space Jam (USA). Here are my findings:
1) The zip file was successfully verified with RomVault using the following dat file from Sega - Saturn - Datfile (2264) (2020-03-10 19-38-57).dat
2) First attempt: using notebook #1's internal disc drive, on linux, using cdrdao write --swap --speed 2 'Space Jam (USA).cue'. Result: error message 'Index out of range' even before checking it there is a disc in the drive.
3) Second attempt: using notebook #2's internal disc drive, on windows 7, using imgburn. Result: "I/O Error" message after 45% burning.
4) Third attempt: using notebook #2 with an external disc drive, on windows 7, using imgburn. Result: CD burning completed, but the game didn't work in the console.
5) Fourth attempt: mounted the image onto a virtual disc drive; dumped the virtual disc to a cue+bin pair using imgburn (on windows); burned the CD using notebook #1's internal disc drive, on linux, using cdrdao write --swap --speed 2 'Space Jam (USA).cue'. Result: CD burning completed, the game worked in the console, but there is no in-game announcer voice.
6) The image from the zip file works fine on an emulator (mednafen), and the in-game announcer voice is there.
7) The image I created on my fourth attempt (above) also works on the emulator, but there is no in-game announcer voice.

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