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Topic review (newest first)
CD-i Ready discs are impossible to dump with IsoBuster, I think; Video CD and Photo CD ones (like the infamous 'Flowers of Robert Mapplethorpe') are hard to dump, since you need to split the tracks properly; single track CD-i discs are usually easy to dump, but some of them may have mastering issues and the dump will be incorrect ( - example).
If you aren't able to execute DIC at all we may accept your isobuster dumps.
Please try to solve your issue with slow dumping times if possible.
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Please make sure you read and understand the dumping process and the way you have to submit the dumping logs before posting your dump info.
Feel free to ask question on the forum, or via Discord about how to get started preserving games with Redump:
I have a large number of CDi titles that are listed as missing on the undumped lists, and a few games for other systems that I'd also be happy to contribute. Some are possibly unique to my collection.
For the CDi, I was able to make perfect ISO disc dumps on some otherwise finicky discs using ISO Buster. Is this an accepted program to use in place of the redump DiscImageCreator, which ran waaay too slowly on my system?
my thanks for your time, and I hope to contribute toward the redump preservation efforts!