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Another thing to be aware of is the complete path where you are saving the files:
I think there's a characters limit for this. Maybe you could try with a shorter path.


I did some testing...

I replaced the "~" with "-", it didn't work.

So I tried to shorten the game name in the DAT (without changing the files names).

And it worked wink

I hadthis problem with :

Art of Fighting - Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden - The Path of the Warrior - Art of Fighting 3 (Japan, USA) (En,Ja,Es,Pt)
Bakumatsu Roman Daini Maku - Gekka no Kenshi - Tsuki ni Saku Hana, Chiri Yuku Hana - The Last Blade 2 (Japan) (En,Ja,Es,Pt)
Garou Densetsu 3 - Road to the Final Victory - Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory (Japan) (En,Ja,Es,Pt)
Garou Densetsu 3 - Road to the Final Victory - Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory (Japan) (En,Ja,Es,Pt) (rev 1)
Garou Densetsu 3 - Road to the Final Victory - Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory (Japan) (En,Ja,Es,Pt) (rev 2)
Garou Densetsu 3 - Road to the Final Victory - Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory (Japan) (En,Ja,Es,Pt) (rev 3)
King of Fighters '98, The - Dream Match Never Ends - The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest (Japan) (En,Ja)
RB2 - The Newcomers - Real Bout Garou Densetsu 2 - RB2 - The Newcomers - Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Japan) (En,Ja)


Hi everyone,

I am using a rom manager to sort and organize my roms.
I discovered that if there is the special character "~" and the name of the game is long then it is messing with windows's filesystem.

Example :

RB2 - The Newcomers - Real Bout Garou Densetsu 2 ~ RB2 - The Newcomers - Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Japan) (En,Ja)

Because the rom manager create a directory with this name.
If I create manually the directory, windows is behaving strangely, it closes explorer.exe

Could we maybe replace the "~" with another character ?

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