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Disc Preservation Project

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Please make sure you read and understand the dumping process and the way you have to submit the dumping logs before posting your dump info.

Feel free to ask question on the forum, or via Discord about how to get started preserving games with Redump:


I have a pile of old games that I used to love and adore.
Being afraid that these would simply get lost I'd dearly love to have somewhere to ensure these are kept available for future generations.
If nothing else, peeps in 2/3 generations to come may look at these and laugh at the appearance, but hopefully marvel at the simplistic fun.

My collection of originals span a few systems.

Commodore A500
Xbox (Org)
There's newer stuff as well
Ps3,Ps4,XBone But I suspect imaging and sharing might be considered outright piracy, and I'm certain that would endanger the archivist purpose of the collection rather than adding to the overall community sense.

Some of the Amiga stuff and early PC CDRoms may be regional to Scandinavia if memory serves me correctly, otherwise discs will be UK/ROI releases.


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