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Please make sure you read and understand the dumping process and the way you have to submit the dumping logs before posting your dump info.

Feel free to ask question on the forum, or via Discord about how to get started preserving games with Redump:


Good evening,
I'm lately dumping my collection of Nintendo Wii and Wii U games.
I would like to join because I'm in need of  a copy of .dat file for Wii discs and I need to compare my dumps infos against your database (especially because i'm having some troubles understanding some Wii U discs infos).
I leave you two of my dumps, it would be nice if you could check for errors in them for me.

Thanks in advance,


wudump v1.6 by FIX94

Hashes for game.wud:
CRC32: 10B3AD66
MD5: AE1219B8975FDCD235011A263FA656CF
SHA1: 6FC7406A514768D2A833CE741C38BEA424B80E29

Game Information:

Game Title: Call of Duty - Black Ops 2
Region: Europe
Languages: Spanish, Italian
Language Select: Language select via BIOS system settings
Disc Serial: WUP-P-AECI-EUZ-0
Edition: Original
Case Barcode: 5030917114021
Size: 25.025.314.816

Ring Information:

Mastering Code (back): 512J2502 WUP-P-AECI-00 JPN S0
Mould SID Code (back): I can't found anything...
Additional Mould Text (back): I can't found anything...
Toolstamp (back): <-- I found something similar to a toolstamp: "F3" (it's printed mirrored). Could it be?
Mould SID Code (front): IFPI HHUE
Additional Mould Text (front): MADE IN JAPAN

Game Key: 37 C3 2E 8F 65 05 73 55 31 D8 00 3A 3D 22 72 04


--File Generated by CleanRip v2.0.0--

Filename: RJCP52
Internal Name: World Championship Offroad Racing
MD5: 922B4274C7E208ADACF2B9425E36D854
SHA-1: AB1281A67249E35F67E801DBA07987258AC0E8BC
CRC32: 3953BD50
Version: 1.00
Verified: No
Seconds: 835

Game Information:

Game Title: Score International Baja 1000 - World Championship Off Road Racing
Region: UK
Languages: English
Language Select: Language select via BIOS system settings
Disc Serial: RVL-RJCP-EUR
Edition: Original
Case Barcode: i've lost the case...
Case Serial: i've lost the case...
Size: 4.699.979.776

Ring Information:

Mastering Code (back): 308J2012 RVL-RJCP-0A-0 JPN S0
Mastering SID Code (back): IFPI LL38
Mould SID Code (back): IFPI HHAQ
Additional Mould Text (back): MADE IN JAPAN
Toolstamp (back): None (JPN discs)
Mould SID Code (front): IFPI HHAH
Additional Mould Text (front): MADE IN JAPAN


00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 4D 42 55 54 04 0C 98 17 01 00 31 D9

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