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Splitted tracks are for the better documentation, since many tracks match between different discs. There's also CRC & size for the single image at the very bottom.
And nope, no connection with the offset correction smile


user7 wrote:

Depends on the system but, tracks 2+ are generally Audio CD tracks (redbook).

I was mainly thinking of PSX and Saturn.

user7 wrote:

Splitting them allows for more accurate dumping via write offset correction.

This also allows for comparison across different releases, as some tracks will often / usually match for the same title.

Does it make a difference in quality and/or performance whether you burn a CD-R with a CUE,Track1.bin,Track2.bin,Track3.bin over a simpler BIN/CUE (used by most other groups), or CCD/IMG/SUB (mainly used by TruRip) images? Been wondering about this as it seem only Redump uses this Track1/2/3/4 etc.bin format. For example, Mega Man X3 Redump release has like 32 or 33 different bin files and 1 cue file.


Depends on the system but, tracks 2+ are generally Audio CD tracks (redbook). Splitting them allows for more accurate dumping via write offset correction.

This also allows for comparison across different releases, as some tracks will often / usually match for the same title.



I was interested knowning what's the difference between the Redump file format that consists of multiple bin files (Track1.bin, Track2.bin, etc) and the more traditional 1 CUE and 1 BIN image file formats? What's the difference? Does having multiple bin files instead of just 1 improve something?

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