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Well, not sure if the people are reading all the post, or my english is not good enought....

The games I'm dumping are not multitrack, they are all single track with no audio and no subchannels data...

And as I said, all the dumps match the hashes on your database, I dumped 5 games but I can dump the others and the hashes will match...

Nothing more to say so.


Dumping multi track CDs is very tricky and you cannot be sure if it went ok unless you have one of the Plextors. Is it too much for you to get one of the Plextors drives?


Done some test with games currently existing on the database, here are the results. (Ultraiso with default settings for dumping image and Hastab to generate CRC32, MD5 and SHA1. Due to the results, I think don't need to try Isobuster):

Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere (SCES-02066 Platinum edition) --> Hashes match the database at first try

Ridge Racer Type 4  (SCES-01706 Original edition) --> Hashes match the database at first try

Anna Kournikova's Smash Court Tennis  (SCES-01833 Value edition) --> Hashes match the database at first try

Star Wars: Episodio I: Jedi Power Battles (SLES-02611 Platinum edition) --> Hashes match the database at first try

Porsche Challenge (SCES-00409 Platinum edition) --> At first try, dumping bin and cue some error happened, the cue is not generated and the bin doesn't match the database. Second try dumping iso image, now the Hashes match the database like the other games. This is the only game that the write offset is +2 and not -647, but finally I get the same hashes than the database...


Ok, I will try with games with no audio tracks and without subchannels since I don't have the knowledge to dump them.

Will try with Ultraiso as first option and Isobuster and second, because with both of them I got the same hashes.

I think I could do more than a couple of dumps, since I own about 50 original psx titles, most of them already dumped to the database.

Even I could give some of you remote access to my computer for watching the dumping process by teamviewer.

Please say me what required info is needed to provide it (The only I cannot provide is the offset), for each dump.


Do you have any other games besides Ace Combat 3 you can try to compare with the database? If so, try at least a couple of them to be sure your rips are coming out right. Try to rip them with IsoBuster + CloneCD's Game CD profile.

I'd also be cautious ripping games with multiple tracks if you have only a single optical drive. Sometimes the results don't come out right and you won't know if you've got nothing to compare with.


I've followed the steps given in this post: … ng-advice/

And of course the dumpin guides:

I've used Isobuster latest version but with Ultraiso I get the same results with the hashes. I can't use another optical drive but the fact is that the dump created for a game existing in the database (Ace combat 3 euro version), gives me the same hashes.

I have a lot of original psx games, I can dump some of them (of course with single data track and no subchannels), if all of them give me the same hashes than in redump database, I should consider that the dumps are correct.

Another fact for me: Running and old iso copy made by me some years ago of TombRaider TLRV in mame and epsxe, appears some garbage in the first loading screen. With this new copy I think is 1:1, now that screen displays well.

If you admit dumping my existing isos and comparing them with the database as a valid evidence, tell me and I'll post my results here smile


F1ReB4LL wrote:

I've thought "psxt001z.exe --fix" should never be used?

Correct, but it shouldn't make a difference for these 3 dumps (single track + EDC)


I've thought "psxt001z.exe --fix" should never be used?


Did you use IsoBuster for all of them? Do you have access to more than one optical drive that you could use to compare to? Can you post the info you got for Ace Combat 3, and what you did exactly to rip it or what guide you followed?


Hi, I own those original psx games and following the instructions given in some forum post I think I've dumped them succesfully. The games are:

-Driver (spanish version, platinum edition)
-Tomb Raider The Last REvelation (spanish version, platinum edition)
-Manager de Liga 2001 (spanish version, normal edition)

In first place I've dumpe Ace combat 3 and the file hashes match with the database at, dumped first with Isobuster and then with Ultraiso, same file hashes with the two metods.

For the other games and looking and comparing with the other regions at the database, I assumed they don't have audio tracks and libcrypt protection. So This is the data I could extract (The only data I don't know how to get is the write offset, since the tool px_d8 is not avaliable for download...). Other thing: My dvd recorder is a HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GH24NSC0.

Here is the data I've obtained with psxt001z.exe --fix and file hashes for each game.

File: Pista 01.iso
Size (bytes):   739602864 (OK)
Size (sectors): 314457 (OK)
Mode: 2
EDC in Form 2 sectors: NO
System area: Eu NoEDC
Postgap type: Form 1, zero subheader, zero data

CRC32    07C49802
MD5        03AEBC074B635DDEF33420EC2CE76FF4
SHA-1    82B29D4F300D8DD9FDAF5E739099CA579B3C4F21

File: Pista 01.iso
Size (bytes):   744137520 (OK)
Size (sectors): 316385 (OK)
Mode: 2
EDC in Form 2 sectors: YES
System area: Eu EDC
Postgap type: Form 1, zero subheader, zero data

CRC32    9EA08ED4
MD5        FFDC79F03D2BD3C5E2E0C7D2193C11EB
SHA-1    D85B6BBD17088918DF7BABF7FF6AEE0564B242E3

Manager de liga 2001:
File: Pista 01.iso
Size (bytes):   598852128 (OK)
Size (sectors): 254614 (OK)
Mode: 2
EDC in Form 2 sectors: YES
System area: Eu EDC
Postgap type: Form 1, zero subheader, zero data

CRC32    C0F9FF85
MD5        68E7EA12326EB05A3686FD25DCE62CB9
SHA-1    E41BCD9DCB1FC79F7C6CFA71283CFB6AA0E429D5

Please contact me as I'm almost sure they are 1:1 copies suitables for bein added to the database.

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